5 Ways to Keep Your Testicles (the home of sperm) in Tip-Top Shape

The testicles are the home of sperm production. If you want to improve sperm health, then you should start with testicular health. Here are some simple and effective strategies to support sperm production and maintain your reproductive health!

1.  Ejaculate often

If you want genetically healthy sperm, the more you ejaculate the better the sperm DNA will be. Periods of abstinence from ejaculation (2+ weeks, for example) increase the amount of DNA in the sperm that is fragmented or broken. The longer the sperm hangs out in the epididymis the more likely it is for the sperm to become damaged. If you’re preparing for an IUI or IVF cycle, it is best to ejaculate 2-3 days before the procedure to promote sperm quality. I’m only talking about DNA quality here, if you’re concerned about the quantity of semen you have, you should ejaculate less and save some for later. If you’re wondering about sperm count, you will need a semen analysis.

2.  Give your scrotum a well-deserved breeze

Kramer wasn’t messing around when he switched from briefs to boxers! The testicles maintain a very specific temperature, 35 degrees Celsius to be exact, to manufacture the highest quality semen. You already know that the scrotum moves depending on temperature, you can thank the cremaster muscle for that. When you’re in the pool the scrotum rises closer to the body to maintain its temperature, and we all understand the consequent phenomenon of shrinkage! But it’s not just water that changes scrotal temperature; sitting for long periods of time at a desk, wearing the latest skinny jeans, placing your laptop on your groin, and putting your cell phone in your pocket all compromise your scrotal temperature. There’s only so much hanging the testicles can do to escape the heat of these activities before the sperm starting committing suicide- a process known as oxidative stress mediated apoptosis.

3.  Wear protection when playing sports

You already know that a jockstrap is your friend, but the damage from a testicular injury lasts much longer than the pain you experience. When the vasculature in the testicle is compromised, i.e. when blood vessels are broken, your body can mount an immune response against your sperm and create antibodies that kill it! Frequent genital infections, and a condition known as varicocele, can also lead to the creation of anti-sperm antibodies. Protect yourself when there is risk of injury!

4.  Let your testicles tan

What I mean to say is, think twice before you load up on sunscreen. Even though your testicles live in a place where the sun don’t shine, applying sunscreen that contains benzophenones to any place on your body can affect the health of the testicles. You can still use sunscreen when you’re out, just opt for a mineral sunscreen without the chemicals.

5.  Brush your teeth and sleep well

Good oral hygiene is for everyone. Believe it or not, but healthy testicles start in the mouth. That’s not a pun. Research is noticing associations between periodontal disease and semen quality. After you brush your teeth, you should get a good night’s rest because the hormone melatonin that you produce while sleeping is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are important for testicular cancer prevention, and all cancers for that matter.

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