Acupuncture Services

Support your fertility with a natural strategy that is both highly-researched and sought-after.

Fertility Acupuncture

About Fertility Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an essential part of any fertility treatment or preconception plan. Acupuncture can be used to promote pelvic blood flow and build uterine lining in cases of failed embryo transfers, poor implantation rates, poor placental perfusion, subchorionic hemorrhage, and pregnancy loss. Fertility acupuncture can also help to lower elevated FSH levels in cases of premature ovarian insufficiency, low ovarian reserve, advanced maternal age, and perimenopause.

Additional Benefits of Fertility Acupuncture:

  • Improve ovarian response to medications during IUI and IVF cycles

  • Regulate menstrual cycles, promote ovulation, and prevent luteal phase defect

  • Reduce painful periods by preventing pain and treating acute pain

  • Decrease erectile dysfunction and improve sperm count, motility and morphology

  • Promote relaxation, stress relief, and overall calmness

Why Acupuncture?

How Fertility Acupuncture Can Improve Success Rates

  • Acupuncture has been proven safe and effective alongside both IUI and IVF cycles. Not only is it used to improve the effectiveness of medications, but it can also help to manage medication side effects and be a useful tool at any stage of the IUI/IVF process.

  • An acupuncture treatment before and after embryo transfer has shown to improve birth rates by up to 43%, compared to embryo transfers without acupuncture with only a 26% birth rate. Enjoy guided meditation, simple relaxation music or silence during your acupuncture session.

  • Weekly acupuncture starting at 36 weeks can help to decrease time in active labour, reduce the need for interventions during labour, improve the efficiency of contractions, ripen the cervix, improve pelvic health, and manage discomfort.

  • According to research, the success of acupuncture and moxibustion for turning a breech baby is up to 75-80%.The best time for acupuncture treatment to turn a breech baby is 34 weeks, but it can can still be effective even in late pregnancy.

  • If you’ve reached your due date and there’s still no baby, it’s time for induction acupuncture and other natural techniques. Acupuncture can be used instead of, or in combination with, other induction strategies like pitocin and Foley bulb induction.


What to Expect

  • The acupuncture needles will stay in the body for 20-30 minutes

  • Acupuncture is an overall relaxing and calming experience

  • Weekly acupuncture is recommended

  • Acupuncture needles are thin and delicate and don’t cause pain

  • Common placement of the needles includes the lower legs and belly

Fertility Acupuncture


Start Your Journey Today

Book Your First Appointment

Get started by scheduling an appointment
to meet with your naturopathic doctor (virtual or in-person) and begin your treatment plan.

Specialized Lab Review

Our team will retrieve your medical records, assess the findings, and take the time to really explain it to you. We will also complete a series of lab investigations to uncover new answers and evidence-based explanations.

Ongoing Treatment Plan

You'll receive an individualized treatment plan with acupuncture, supplements, herbs, and lifestyle guidance. We will work closely with you to help achieve your long-term health and fertility goals.